Register now for the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program to recognize good watershed stewards

Our watersheds are made up of thousands of people who take small actions everyday to help keep our watersheds healthy and beautiful, and Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) wants to help recognize these watershed stewards!
The Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program was created by MWC in 2022 to help local non-profit organizations celebrate those members that go above and beyond to help protect our watersheds. In the two years since the program’s launch, twenty watershed stewards have been recognized by their respective organizations for their efforts!
The program is named after a former MWC member, Doug Cross, who used his extensive background and expertise in media communications to help get MWC’s messages out to the community. MWC received a generous donation in 2020 upon his passing, and MWC is using these funds to raise awareness about good watershed stewardship practices.
Eligible organizations can register during the month of January to receive a free Recognition Package for them to award to a member that they’ve identified as being a good watershed steward. Each Recognition Package includes a certificate of recognition and a gift card to Hidden Habitat native plant nursery!
What’s a good watershed steward? We’ve outlined some criteria to help organizations select worthy recipients on our website, and we’ve also provided some ideas on how to select a recipient, but it’s up to each organization to decide what works best for them.
Learn more about the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program and register your organization to receive a free Recognition Package at